Monday, 21 July 2014

Coniglio Trial, now at the Bohunk Institute (part 2)

So, everything is more or less set up at the Bohunk Institute, with a few minor modifications to take place after this assessment (Tuesday afternoon). Basically, I need to fit the static piece I have mentioned in my documentation into the unit properly. They've curated it in a way that doesn't warrant much notice of the other side, but it is next to a flight of stairs where people *can* see the back... and I don't like that they'd be able to see the back of the installed screen, so static art is still going in. But this is how it looks so far:

So, it's now in the public sphere, and I'm excited to mention the private view this Friday. I'll be working, but making my way over afterwards, to document everyone's interactions (and sip some wine).

I've documented both Coniglio Trial and Tangible Projection up to this point in nice shiny paper form, so everything else will be reported post-presentation and outside of Nottingham Trent, which will then wrap this IxArt project up... and hopefully open up new creative avenues. 

Helsinki - some interactive art

I visited a museum, with some semblance of interactivity. Forgot to post about this last week. It's not all been *work work and more project work* throughout this month. I did take a bit of a weekend away, just to clear my head, but keep in touch with the arts and culture and explore new ones in different countries. In this case, Helsinki, Finland. 

I went to the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, and found some very good pieces of work as part of a long-term collection by the museum, which they decided to display when I was visiting. This one in particular, stuck out: 

It felt like I was walking through what seemed like a hundred ribbons. I guess the colour helped in a psychedelic traversing, but what really strikes me is the tangibility of such an installation. This is the point I myself am exploring with Tangible Projection: eliminating that boundary of static and purely visual art for the viewers; not necessarily to compel them into the artwork, but to extend the option of immersion. 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Coniglio Trial, now at the Bohunk Institute

My Isadora piece was selected for Bohunk Institute's second annual open exhibition, so I've taken to cleaning it up, chopping its annoying edges off and making the tapered compartment at the base a bit easier to access. I've also got new effects that tie around the certain black & white line aesthetic I've been using for my Tangible Projection piece.

This is how it turned out in the workshop:

I also hired a van to transport it across town on the weekend. The unit is now resting at the Bohunk Institute, where it will be set up properly next Sunday, with the canvas piece that I've been working on attached to it.